Niko was set apart as a full-time missionary Monday, April 26 at 7:30 a.m. by President Lee Holmes. Chad and Grandpa Lewis were privileged to stand in the circle.

Niko posing one last time outside our house before making the long trek to the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah.

When we got to the MTC on Wednesday, April 28th, Niko was all business. He didn't want to get emotional and was soooo excited to be there. Here he is with Chad before they whisked him away.

Niko and his "host". They seriously give you just enough time to unload, give a last hug and they are on their way.... No long drawn out goodbyes there for sure!!! Good luck, Niko. We are so proud of you and know you will be a wonderful missionary. Watch out Mexico City.....
Oh goodness! :) love the pictures, it is so exciting! :)
He is going to do so great :)
Way to go, Niko! We are so proud of you...can you get us contact info so we can write to him???
Go Niko! We are so proud of you and excited for you!! Love you all. :)
Can you believe you are the proud parents of a MISSIONARY?! You guys should be so incredibly proud. Mexico City is very lucky.
(Did you hear about Adam's new calling?)
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