Saturday, December 5, 2009

Awaiting a mission call...

Well, we sent Niko's mission papers in on December 1st and he had his last interview with the Stake President on the 2nd! (The Stake President said he will send his papers to Utah on Sunday the 6th). Crazy!! We can hardly believe that mission time is almost here. We will be sure to keep you all posted when he receives his call. Any guesses as to where you think he'll be going???


Angie and Dusty said...

Dusty thinks Venezuela or any other Spanish speaking South America...I say Chile? Or Brazil? :)

Jason and Amy Smith said...

Wow... time flies. Jason says South America, I say California, or Chile. :) Anything riding on these bets?!

Karey said...

Adam says Joajaca, Mexico. Ever heard of it? Me neither! Nikko looks so good. I bet you are so proud.

Warnick Family said...

Guatemala! Love the new hair cut!

Maybe Washington D.C. North, but I was a little partial to that mission.