Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Fun

We have had a great summer so far and we have participated in many activities. The latest was the Kiddie Parade in conjunction with our county fair. Katelynn dressed as "Miss Jr. Rodeo Montana" and rode her bike decorated like a horse. Logan was a farmer on his John Deere trike, pulling a wagon load of hay, with his horse following. The pair of them won a first place trophy and after the parade, Logan won a new bike in a drawing!!
Chad and I have competed in a few sprint triathlons this summer. It was a good motivator to get both of us into shape. Here's Chad running in Dillon.

Of course we have ridden motorcycles too. Chad and his brother-in-law Nate participated in another race in June and we have gone on a few other rides with family.

Logan participated in T-ball again this year. Chad worked with he and Katelynn a lot on hitting and catching the ball this summer. Logan had a lot of fun and did very well. Look at that concentration!!

Katelynn and Logan took six weeks of swim lessons at Carroll College this summer. By the end, they were both swimming like fish! They really love the water.

The latest news is that Niko has arrived in Mexico City!!! We received a call from him last Friday, July 30th, as he was waiting for his flight in Salt Lake City. He was so excited to get to Mexico finally and sounded so happy. We will keep you posted on his happenings in Mexico!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Taking Niko to the MTC

Niko was set apart as a full-time missionary Monday, April 26 at 7:30 a.m. by President Lee Holmes. Chad and Grandpa Lewis were privileged to stand in the circle.

Niko posing one last time outside our house before making the long trek to the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah.

When we got to the MTC on Wednesday, April 28th, Niko was all business. He didn't want to get emotional and was soooo excited to be there. Here he is with Chad before they whisked him away.

Niko and his "host". They seriously give you just enough time to unload, give a last hug and they are on their way.... No long drawn out goodbyes there for sure!!! Good luck, Niko. We are so proud of you and know you will be a wonderful missionary. Watch out Mexico City.....

Enduro Motorcycle Race

This has become a fun family event over the sister Sarah and her husband introduced us all to it. An enduro is a long race in the mountains with a few "special tests" that are timed along the way. Some of the obstacles include water crossings, large rocks, and maneuvering over downed logs. This year me, and my sisters Amy and Sarah did it together. It was grueling but a blast!

Amy, me and Sarah after the race....we're a little tired and very dirty!!

Here's chad hustling through one of the special tests. It was a grass track with a few obstacles.
One new obstacle this year was to drive up and over a car! We girls didn't try that but the boys did great!! Here's Nate (Sarah's husband) trying it out!

Chad and I safely at the finish. We had a great time and the weather actually wasn't too bad.

Easter in Powell, WY

On our way to Powell, we stopped off in Billings for the night. We all played in the water park and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! The following day, we attended the temple and shopped for a bit. Then we drove the remainder of the way to Sarah's house in Powell.

Our tradition is to head out to the bentonite pits and ride motorcycles and 4-wheelers. It was a bit chilly but it didn't stop us from having fun!! Here is Kelsey on the 4-wheeler.

We were able to borrow 2 small 4-wheelers from Sarah and Nate's neighbors so Katelynn and Logan could have their own 4-wheelers to ride. They had a blast and cruised around all day. Their bravery was a bit scary!! Here's Logan atop his machine.

On Easter we had an easter egg hunt at Sarah's house. This was one of our last outings with Niko before his mission.

Katelynn and Logan participated in an Easter hunt at the local fire department. It was a chilly day but they got lots of goodies!!!

Annual Sister's Trip

Every year my 4 sisters, my mom and I get together for a "sister's trip". (Unfortunately Sarah couldn't make it).This year we gathered in Seattle, Washington. My sister Angie lives there so she showed us the sights....Here we are at the ever famous (and disgusting) gum wall. We did have to make our own contribution, though. Debbie liked it so much she brought some home on her shoe! Ugh!

Here we are posing with the troll under the bridge. We also visited the Locks (where the ships go from salt water to fresh water and vice versa), and we did a lot of shopping! It was fun. Next year we are planning our trip for Cleveland, OH, where Amy currently resides. We hope to get to see some church history sites!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Birthdays, Birthdays and more Birthdays

We have had a whole slew of happens every year at this time....First was Logan's 4th birthday on Dec. 11th. We had a family party at the Carousel and then had a friend party the following day. This was his first party with friends and he really loved it. Here he is showing off all his loot.

Next was Niko's 19th birthday on January 14th. He loves donut cakes from the Donut Hole and since this was the first time in four years that he wasn't on a "diet" for wrestling, he actually was able to eat it on his birthday. (We'd usually wait until after wrestling season was over to indulge)! Here he is with Brae, Katelynn and Logan

Then just over a week later was Katelynn's 7th birthday. We also had her family party at the carousel and then she invited a few friends to the ice skating rink for her friend party the next day. They had a blast skating and I could hardly even get them to stop long enough to eat cake and open gifts!!! (Love the toothless smile!!!)

February 1st was Chad's birthday and we celebrated with a steak dinner and pie (we were all caked out)!

But's not over...Kelsey will be having her 17th birthday in March......does it ever end???

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Niko's Mission call arrived today, January 7, 2010!!!!

Here is Niko eagerly reading his mission call letter to us....Unfortunately Chad was out of town but we had him on speaker phone. We also had Niko's mother, Laura and my parents on the other end of the line...isn't technology great?? So where is he going, you ask? Somewhere warm, highly populated and Spanish speaking.....(everything he was hoping for)
He has been called to the Mexico Mexico City West Mission!!! He is sooooo excited! And here's the proof.....
He is supposed to report to the Provo MTC on April 28th. I can't tell you how proud Chad and I are. It is crazy to be at this stage of life, watching your teenager so excited to serve a mission for the Lord. He is a wonderful young man and has great things in store for him. Thank you all for your love and support. HOORAY NIKO!!!